Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's nice to get things done

::mood:: happy/ready to accomplish things
::iTunes:: Runaway by Cartel

This really isn't for you all to read (not that anybody really reads my posts anyway) but I need to make a list of things I need to get done:

1. Turn in applications to: Kellogg Center, Yankee Candle, Stillwater Grill, Starbucks (am I forgetting anything?)
2. Take clothes to 2nd Time Around to try and get some extra cash.
3. Clean up my room just a little/vacuum.
4. Clean/Vacuum my car out
*5. Finish English paper
6. Start Art History Paper
7. Pay credit card and dell bills
8. Take grape juice to Epic
9. Take Sydney on a run with me
10. Take a shower (ugh my least favorite thing on my to-do list)
11. Get my phone to work again...hopefully
12. Pray for the family's financial situation.

Sad...this list makes me want to take a nap. DON'T DO IT!

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