Friday, November 30, 2007

The 2 year old Vegan

::mood:: Touched
::iTunes:: Home by Hillsong

So, yesterday before I left for Epic I checked my e-mail. In my inbox I found an e-mail from Kristi Moore to Troy and me. It was called "Kyra's Prayer." This title intrigued me. She told us that yesterday she was walking past Kyra's room during her nap. So, she's supposed to be sleeping but Kristi heard her praying instead. She said that she heard Kyra praying for Troy and me. She said that she heard Kyra say, "I pray for Troy and Megan that they...ummm...." Kristi didn't catch the last part of the prayer. But, Kyra was praying for us! Is that not the cutest thing you've ever heard. I felt touched. When I was 2 I never prayed. I don't think I even knew what it was. She's pretty much the cutest 2 year old ever.

***In this post I said,"troy and me" twice. I chose not to say, "troy and I" because if Troy had not been in the picture then I would say, "Kristi Moore to me" not "Kristi Moore to I." Is that wrong? It makes sense to me...and I swear I learned it in school...but, I've gotten into debates before about it. What do you think?***


Samantha said...

I would have said "me" too.

Unknown said...

i love your title, "the 2 year old vegan" :-) you have a great blog. i've enjoyed reading it!
as far as the grammar, i think it's technically "me and troy" unless it's the subject of the sentence.