Saturday, November 24, 2007

I love to "google" myself!

Just now, I decided that I wanted to Google myself to see how many of the results actually are me. When I typed in "Megan Van Every" there were 11 results, and every single one was actually me! I don't know why that's so exciting for me! But, it is!

So, I've been having some really crazy dreams lately. Last night, I had a dream that I was at Jeremy and Kathy Borsos' wedding and at the beginning the whole wedding party (including Jeremy and Kathy) were on roller skates doing this choreographed dance. I just remember that Kathy's skates were high heals. It was so bizarre. The person that was sitting next to me kept changing back and forth from Troy to Sam and then my friend Aubree was supposed to be coming as Laura Lund's date (they don't even know each other). Oh, and I forgot to mention that Jeremy and Kathy totally didn't look like themselves at the beginning of the dream...but, i recognized them as themselves. SO WEIRD!!!

Last night, I also had a dream that it was the Saturday before LT 2008 was going to start down in Virginia Beach and I hadn't turned in my application for being an intern yet, nor had I started support raising...but, for some reason I had gone down with the staff and interns and was determined to make it work. I just remember feeling this overwhelming sense of urgency and anxiety and thinking, "why don't I just work at the Wyndham as a housekeeper like Faren did last summer, or I could go back to work at the deli." OH MY GOSH!!! It was so crazy.

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