Sunday, January 27, 2008

I made the top 5!

::mood:: just good
::iTunes:: A Praise Chorus by Jimmy Eat World

Last night I went to church with my mom and we met up with some people there. Guess who I got to see?!?!?! TONY!!!!!!!!!! I was basically amazing. I've missed him a lot and when he leaves I totally will not be able to avoid crying my eyes out!

But, we did hang out last night with Brenton and Sam and we had a great time. We made up a new voice mail message for brenton's phone and it was actually a lot of fun.

BUT! Tony told me that I was easily on his Top 5 list of funniest girls. Isn't that great? Sam is too! I have to tell you that it made me feel great.

Church was on homosexuality last night and I thought that I wouldn't really get much out of it...but, it was my favorite message that I've heard within the past 1/2 year or so. I loved church last night. YAY Jesus!

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