Monday, April 14, 2008

This feels really weird

Hi Friends...

So, I started packing to move out yesterday...It sounds weird because I don't move into my apartment with Laura Lego until July 27th but the last day of LT is July 26th so I only have a few weeks before I need to be all packed up. It's kind of crazy.

While, I am really really excited and ready to move out, it's kinda sad at the same time. I am going to miss the little interaction that I do actually have with my parents while living here. Let's be honest...I'm freakin' out a bit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know how you feel- it's going to be really weird and really hard for the first month or two, especially being so close to home, but not actually 'being' home.

It's a great experience though! Your personal dependence and responsibility are going to expand so much! I'm excited for you!