Wednesday, December 12, 2007

This will be a lonely month

::mood:: discouraged
::iTunes:: Australia by The Shins

So, I really really need a job. I'm determined to be employed by this time next week. *Ceaseless prayer begins.*

This month is going to be pretty many people aren't going to be around for awhile and that makes me sad. I'm really going to miss everyone for the rest of the month. But, the good news is that Sam lives here and HOLLY is coming home!!! I can't wait! It'll be so good to spend time with them over break. Also, maybe I'll get to see Amanda Sweet so that could be a good time!

Sam and I hung out last night. She told me she had a special treat for me and that when I got in her car the treat would be prepared. Well, it was the *NSYNC Christmas CD. I don't know what the song it called its glorious words are, "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays." It was basically one of the best "treats" ever.

I have nothing great to say besides I miss my people.

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