Thursday, December 27, 2007

Anna Marie Hayes

::mood:: aunt-like
::iTunes:: Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley

My sister, Tonia and her husband, Charlie had their baby yesterday!!! I'm so excited for them. Not that you really care but, she was 7 lbs. 2 oz. and 20 inches long. She was born at 7:54 am. I think she's the most precious baby ever! I can't wait to see her in person!

Cutest baby ever!

My mom says she looks like a Brooks (her maiden name)


My brother-in-law with Anna!

This is great! I'm totally going to be that aunt that shows way too many pictures. I apologize for this now!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A look back at 2007

::mood:: okay
::iTunes:: Hanging By a Moment by Lifehouse

1. what did you do in 2007 that you'd never done before? Lived in another state, worked full-time, went to LT, got a tattoo
2. did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn't make one...I think they're silly
3. did anyone close to you give birth? YES! TODAY (December 26th) my sister had her daughter Anna Marie. Also, Kristi Moore had Micah
4. did anyone close to you die? my dog
5. what countries did you visit? Just Canada
6. what would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007? My own apartment
7. what date from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory? July 18th, May 19th, October 20th, December 26th, September 29th
8. what was your biggest achievement of the year? When I decided not to go to college and please God as well as make myself happier
9. what was your biggest failure? My relationship with some of my family members
10. did you suffer illness or injury? yes...Florida SB went to the hospital and was the sickest I've ever been.
11. what was the best thing you bought? I have no answer for this
12. whose behavior merited celebration? too many to name
13. whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? My generation
14. where did most of your money go? Gas and my laptop
15. what did you get really, really, really excited about? God, Evangelism, my future as a GCM staffer, my relationship with Troy
16. what song will always remind you of 2007? "Point of Difference" and "Umbrella" and "Africa"
17. compared to this time last year, are you:i. happier or sadder? more content. thinner or fatter? about same iii. richer or poorer? poorer
18. what do you wish you'd done more of? school work and evangelism
19. what do you wish you'd done less of? crying
20. how will you be spending Christmas? We spent it in Gaylord and Christmas night I played Euchre at the Warner residence
22. did you fall in love in 2007? that's not an awkward question.
24. what was your favourite TV program? Grey's Anatomy...don't watch it a lot though
25. do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? no
26. what was the best book you read? "Sex God" and 1 Timothy (re-read)
27. what was your greatest musical discovery? Sufjan Stevens
28. what did you want and get? A laptop, summer at LT, deep relationships
29. what did you want and not get? Closer approval from family members
30. what was your favourite film of this year? I honestly don't have one.
31. what did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 19. Troy took me to Mongolian BBQ and I got sweet 80's music.
32. what one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Seeing my niece in person.
33. how would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007? Casual. A lot of jeans. Cute jewelry, modesty!
34. what kept you sane? my really close friends and confiding in Troy, Susan, Laura Lund, Laura Lego, Holly, Sam...Their support. My parent's support.
35. which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I'm not interested in celebrity figures.
36. what political issue stirred you the most? none...sadly.
37. who did you miss? My sister
38. who was the best new person you met? Steph Miller and Vivian Wang (they were the most significant)
39. tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007: It's okay to have desires...God gives them to you and he would let you have them if it was wrong.
40. quote a song lyric that sums up your year: I might fill this in later...I don't have an answer now.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


So, today is Christmas. It's been good mostly. We spent the first part of our day at my grandparents in Gaylord and then I got to hang out with my mom which was the best part of my day.

You may have noticed that this post is called, "Goats." Well, you are probably asking yourself why it's called that. I'll tell you!

Troy asked me what I wanted for a Christmas about a month ago and I asked him not to get me anything. The other day he said he had to buy my gift and I reminded him that he wasn't supposed to get me anything. On Sunday (at the Wallace family Christmas) Troy said he wanted to talk to me about my gift. Instead of buying me a gift he purchased a goat for a family so they can have the milk from Samaritan's Purse. I can honestly say that it was the best gift I've ever received...well, sort of received.

I guess there are two main reasons I loved it so much. Reason one: I don't need anything and didn't want anything but that family could really use the goat. Reason two: it showed me that Troy really knew me and knew that it would be something that I would really like and a great alternative to getting me something. It made me feel good :)

Happy Birthday Jesus! (sort of..)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Self Analysis

::mood:: excited/hopeful/reflective
::iTunes:: This is the Countdown by Mae

Dear Megan,

Remember to figure out why you cry at the drop of a hat now-a-days. Think of things that you can resort to when you're feeling sad for no particular reason. Make something pretty. Write something encouraging to someone (warning: this might make you cry harder). Remember that God didn't need to give you grace but he chose to and that's what you really need to understand. It's good to recognize that you aren't worthy of it...but, just know that he thinks you are or he wouldn't have purchased your freedom through his son dying on the cross. When you're sad, just think: This is only temporary. Instead of dwelling on the fact that you don't deserve his grace, go share this news with someone who doesn't already know about it. It's a much better use of your time.

Also, remember that you hate shoveling. Apartment life is going to be great. That's something exciting to look forward to.

Also, you hate winter...don't lie. You have always said that you love winter. Well, just recognize that, that has changed this year.

Do spontaneous things because you like the feeling. Don't worry about having your life planned out, because those plans will probably change.

You really love people so don't be afraid to ask them to hang out...because they probably want to hang out too. Don't be insecure...your insecurities come from nothing but lies.

Call your mom. Tell her you love her. Ask her to spend time with you. Have deep conversations with her.

You like candles. Something inside of you is happier when there are candles around. Especially red ones. Tell Michelle "thank you" for that. Pictures make you happy too. When you get money print some off and decorate your room with them. Pay your bills first though.

You're a good person. You're fun. You like you. So does God. So do people. Allow yourself to make mistakes and forgive yourself for them. You're not supposed to judge. Even yourself. Let God judge you.

Yourself in Christ,

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The windy city

::mood:: really good
::iTunes:: What the World Will Never Take by Hillsong United

So, I was on facebook not too long ago and there were at least 3 people that talked about going to chicago on their status. All of these people are completely unrelated and I'm pretty sure that they don't even know each other. I would like to be in Chicago right now. I think it would be a lot of fun.

Speaking of Chicago, Laura Lego and I hung out last night. It was awesome!! I planned on being at her apartment until midnight and at the last 1 am. Well, I left around 3 am. Oh my gosh. Honestly, it was SO needed. We were able to affirm each other and speak truth to one another. I really enjoyed it. We're pretty sure that we're going to get an apartment together next year which I'm so freakin' excited about. YAY!

I just sent in my application for my internship with GCM next year. It felt good to mail it and I'm really excited about it.

I miss people. Really, I do. It makes me sad when a lot of my friends aren't around. It's good though. I've been able to think about a lot of things and really focus on God and get my heart in the right place. YAY! I like my life.

Wait...I want to talk about my night the other night. Sam and I hung out with Annie which was good and afterward we went to Laura Lund's apartment and hung out with her, Lindsey Padlo and Amanda. It was interesting...we had a fun night.

Laura has been letting me practice driving on her car (it's a stick). I'm getting better. I can't wait until I'm fluent in stick-driving!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


::mood:: really tired
::iTunes:: Give Up! by Sherwood

So, this semester I've been faced with a lot of temptation. More than usual I would say. I have fallen quite a lot and have been discouraged because of it.

Well, this semester I was tempted in an area that I've been pretty weak in lately. I happened to come across a blog where the person was talking about being tempted. She posted this verse"

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." -1 Corinthians 10:13

What was really weird was that it was by accident that I came across this blog. I had woken up way too early and couldn't fall back asleep. It's not one of my regular blogs that I usually read. It spoke to me at an opportune time and I couldn't believe that I was reading it when I was. It was perfect. I didn't fall today. It feels good.

P.S. you don't need to worry about's not something serious.

This will be a lonely month

::mood:: discouraged
::iTunes:: Australia by The Shins

So, I really really need a job. I'm determined to be employed by this time next week. *Ceaseless prayer begins.*

This month is going to be pretty many people aren't going to be around for awhile and that makes me sad. I'm really going to miss everyone for the rest of the month. But, the good news is that Sam lives here and HOLLY is coming home!!! I can't wait! It'll be so good to spend time with them over break. Also, maybe I'll get to see Amanda Sweet so that could be a good time!

Sam and I hung out last night. She told me she had a special treat for me and that when I got in her car the treat would be prepared. Well, it was the *NSYNC Christmas CD. I don't know what the song it called its glorious words are, "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays." It was basically one of the best "treats" ever.

I have nothing great to say besides I miss my people.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

I have nothing creative to say

::mood:: disappointed
::iTunes:: Get it Faster by Jimmy Eat World

Last night, Epic had their Christmas party. As I told you in an earlier post I had a really amazing white elephant gift to take for the gift exchange. Steph Miller ended up winning it. No one tried to steal it...which would have made my day but that's quite alright because I know it ended up with someone who will keep the picture in the frame. Here it is:

Laura and I sorta coordinated...on accident

I love Steve! We are going to be LT interns together


Overall, last night was pretty good. It had it's ups and downs. Christine Brown was so great though. She told me so many things that just made me feel really great.

I like my friends :)

Friday, December 7, 2007

When the dog bites...when the bee stings

::mood:: excited for "faren/megan day"
::iTunes:: Never Ready to Leave by Sherwood

Every now and then I really like making of list of random things that make me happy. I like doing it because I can look at it when I'm sad and be happy. So, I decided to make another one on here and then I can update it when I think of other things. YAY!

1. Listening to favorite songs
2. A full gas tank
3. Playing a game with family or friends
4. Serving someone
5. Finishing an art project
6. Having a newly vacuumed car
7. Singing worship music
8. Writing a poem that I like
9. Those "wow" moments when I'm reading the bible and a verse hits me in a whole new way
10. Smoking cloves/cigars with friends
11. Listening to iTunes on shuffle when it comes to a song that I forgot I had
12. Making lists
13. seeing friends from LT
14. figuring out what is making me sad and fixing it
15. crying to someone and having them console me...vice-versa too
16. deep conversations with friends
17. events (Christmas party, birthday parties, etc.)
18. Dates with Troy :)
19. waking up really early and realizing you have a few more hours to sleep
20. Seeing pictures that my friends have taken that I haven't seen in awhile
21. Going to splash of color with friends to get piercings (on them or on me)
22. car rides with people I care about that last more than 15 minutes
23. Writing a discussion for LG
24. Long phone conversations with family and friends that live far away
25. Words of affirmation
26. Finishing a book
27. Having a gut laugh
28. Time with Susan
29. dancing at weddings (both fast and slow)
30. listening to the piano
31. finding money I didn't know I had
32. reading the bible with other people
33. recapping my day
34. dance parties
35. former roomie times with Sam, Faren and Steph
36. making people laugh
37. polka dots
38. petting kitty cats and doggies
39. pictures on my walls
40. playing pranks on people
41. making decisions
42. fresh laundry
43. when people give me bananas
44. getting real e-mails
45. when people show me they love me by their actions
46. loving people
47. making this list
48. Doing dumb things (i.e. sledding down the stairs, tubing on the back of a kayak, etc.)
49. getting to know someone so much that you understand what they're thinking before they verbalize it.
50. random voicemails

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Januzzi is where we want to be...

::mood:: happy
::iTunes:: To Be Alone With You by Sufjan Stevens

I had to leave out watchmen in the title simply to make it rhyme.

Last night, after my LifeGroup (which ended at 8:30) Faren, Steph and I decided to take a mini road trip to a little place I like to call Ann Arbor. You might be asking yourself, "Why would they do that?" I'm glad you asked! So, we hit the highway at about 9:04 and sett our goal of getting to the Blind Pig by 10! Faren got her little radar detector out and we just went!

Troy and Dan are in a band called Januzzi Watchmen. They had a show last night in Ann Arbor and it was so much fun! We saw so many people there, it was great! We saw friends from LT, the staff (because they're having their moody classes this week in A2) and some other friends. It was good times. Free kept making comments similar to, "HEY, who's that hot guy singing?" It was my boyfriend. Not a big deal. HAHA! I enjoyed my time. We took pictures purely for your enjoyment

On our way! Before we left EL

Faren's radar detector so we can get there on time!
This is my "we're lost face" We just missed a turn. Steph's in mid cough!

LOOK! We saw some friends!

HAHAHA! Take one...oops!

WOW MOM! That's what it's supposed to say. These marks mean no alcohol.

YAY JESSICA! She chose the perfect shirt!

The Januzzi Watchmen

At the show!

For the ride home :)

Last night was very much needed and fantastic! We were just missing one crucial part: SAM!

We wish she could have been there :( Seriously Sam, we did talk about you being there and Free even said, "I feel like Sam should be here."

We had some good talks. We all got to share things we have really been struggling with and it was just so good to have time with them. It made me realize that they haven't been as big a part of my life as I want them to be...or as they should be. I love them :) YAY!

I told you that I was hanging out with Laura Lund and that ended up happening but, we also got to go pick Tony up and help him out with his car and take him to splash to get his piercing fixed. Laura got her tragi(u?)s pierced!!! YAY! I was so excited! I love those two!

That's all!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I like white elephants!!

::mood:: excited out of my mind
::iTunes:: Creep by TLC

Today is going to be the best day ever!

I'm hanging out with Laura Lund. We'll find great things to do.

My last LifeGroup of the semester.

Mini-road trip to Ann Arbor with Faren, Steph and maybe Susan!!! SWEET!

Januzzi Watchmen show...yay!!

I like Laura, Faren, Steph, Susan, and Troy.

Other people too!

This Saturday is the Epic Christmas party and we're having a white elephant gift exchange. I have the best gift ever for it!!! I'll post picture of it on here after the party.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Do I know you???

::mood:: relieved and painfully hungry
::iTunes:: Footloose by Kenny Loggins

So, I just finished my final english paper!!! It felt good...and it made me realize that I really enjoy writing papers. I wish that I had given myself a little more time than I did, because it could have been much better than it was, but I'm confident that it was still good.

I was checking out my ClustrMap which shows my visitors locations. I was excited to see that I had people looking at my blog from other countries. Then, I began to ask myself, "Do I know anyone in that country or that state?" Don't worry. I'm not creeped out by you visiting my blog...I'm excited for it. That's all. But, I do wonder: How did you come across my blog? Nevertheless, I hope you like reading it.

Today, I'm going to make my sister's Christmas/baby shower gift. Yes, I realize that her baby shower was exactly one month ago. But, I'm making it now. Sam's going to come over to hang out and do stuff.

I'm really hungry. There is no obvious choice of what to eat at my house right now.

Please pray for me and my decision about school. After writing my paper, I thought to myself that I think I'd really like to be doing school stuff if it were focused on the bible or aspects of God. Maybe I'll get an associates at Great Lakes Christian College. Or maybe I'll still decide to be done with school.

That's all!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

My life is a question mark...and that's okay

::mood:: anxious
::iTunes:: Live For You by Hillsong United

Yesterday was a good day.

We made chicken tenders. We even put the bread crumbs on ourself and then fried them in the pan. Good credit card experience. Conclusions. Worshiping God. Loving people. Revealed my PostSecret. It felt good. I'm thankful.

It was great.